I’m currently on a journey toward truth as it relates to physical wellness. Like a lot of us, my eyes were opened over the past four years to the reality that the trust many of us had in the medical establishment – even in our own doctors – was misplaced. That’s a gift that Covid gave us. It’s widely believed, finally now, that the American Medical Association, the Food and Drug Administration, and Big Pharma have colluded to keep us unhealthy. Oh, throw in Big Food too, purveyors of all that is processed on our plates. And let us not forget the biggest spreader of health misinformation – the traditional media.
Come back with me to Covid land
I promise we won’t stay long. Although sadly, there are some who live here permanently, wearing their masks as they go about their day and visiting CVS for another booster.
First – instead of secluding ourselves, locked inside our homes, we should have been encouraged to be out in nature, moving and breathing fresh air – without muzzling ourselves, obviously. The lack of sunlight and outdoor time – a prescription for a weak immune system – only worsened the problem, and created documented mental health crises.
Second, we know that if treated properly, Covid is unlikely to have been more deadly than the flu, and certainly didn’t require mass lockdowns. But “treated properly” is where things went terribly, dangerously wrong. We were counseled by the “experts” – and in many cases, our own family doctors – to simply rest at home if we caught the virus. This despite the fact that existing research pointed to the effectiveness of long-considered-safe drugs like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin – drugs that the high risk population should have been enthusiastically encouraged to take.
But do you know what would have happened had they encouraged (or even allowed) those cheap and accessible drugs to be widely recommended for early Covid treatment?
The very existence of effective drugs to fight the virus would have made it impossible for the pharmaceutical companies to receive the emergency authorization they needed to push their vaccines through so quickly. Those authorizations are only provided when there’s no effective known treatment. And the pharmaceutical companies, in their ongoing collusion with the corrupt FDA, stood to make about a zillion dollars on the shots. So pushed through they were.
As a result – how many people have died or had their health permanently compromised? For the most part truth has emerged about the disaster of Covid shots and the multitude of lies and corrupt actions that protected their rollout. Unfortunately, there are still those who refuse to believe that they were deceived. Nevertheless every day we seem to hear about another young person dying suddenly and “without explanation” — as well as huge numbers of young people now coming down with “turbo cancers.”
The power of ridicule
To keep the fear level high and create demand for a vaccine, the effective and inexpensive alternatives were mercilessly mocked. I recall one of my employees at the time, when I suggested he might try ivermectin as he’d contracted Covid, told me somewhat sneeringly that he wasn’t about to “drink bleach.” Well, nobody ever suggested that as a treatment, actually (although President Biden repeated that lie during the presidential debate). But the media had done its job in twisting around something President Trump had said, and now all treatments not rubber stamped by Fauci were mock-worthy.
Those of us who tried to even question the establishment narrative were – at best – told we were not living in reality. There were far more insulting responses. I recall a friend’s post in which the consensus of her friends was that people like me should be in jail, and not be allowed to access medical care should we get Covid. And that was hardly just my experience – anyone who dared to swerve even mildly from the approved script was subject to that and worse, sometimes from close family members and longtime friends.
Meantime, doctors who knew the drugs would likely help their patients were mostly bullied into compliance – sometimes with that same mockery and ridicule, and sometimes just by brute force. Because if the medical group or hospital with which they were affiliated didn’t approve – and none of them did – the doctor was in quite a pickle. And doctors who tried to prescribe the maligned substances anyway had trouble finding a pharmacy that would fill it. If after all that they persisted – as our doctor at the time did – they would find themselves dropped by insurance companies and reviled by their colleagues.
Doctors: “Don’t call me”
So most of our doctors, afraid or unwilling to buck the system, gave us the canned advice – if you get it, just stay home and rest. If it gets worse, don’t call me – go to the hospital.
Thanks be to God that for most, it didn’t get worse and they didn’t have to go to the hospital. They recovered just as they would from a case of the flu. Although “long Covid” is a thing for some people, unfortunately, who live with symptoms possibly caused by the virus – and those people will never know if long Covid could have been short Covid with some ivermectin.
But the real tragedy of the failure of most American doctors to effectively treat the disease – the real tragedy is what happened to those who stayed home, without access to proven effective treatments – and got worse. Because the counsel they received at that point was to go to the hospital. And because of what the hospitals were doing, that was often a death sentence.
Hospital malpractice
I’ve never understood why hospitals had a financial incentive to put patients on ventilators, but apparently they did, and once you were on one, your odds of survival went the wrong direction. The ventilator and a drug called Remdesivir, which was applauded by the powers-that-be, proved to be a deadly and tragic combination for thousands of families. And those families couldn’t even hold dad’s hand as he struggled to breathe his last because they weren’t allowed in the hospital room.
So if you lost someone you love to Covid in a hospital, my heart breaks for you, because it’s highly unlikely they got the help they needed to survive. They certainly didn’t get the help they needed to avoid the hospital in the first place – some cheap little pills that doctors had been prescribing safely for years and years.
However. Some of the stories did have happy endings. The story linked at the bottom of this page is well worth reading for both the ending, and for the clear look at how hospitals were mistreating patients and their families.
Where did all the caring doctors go, anyway?
Well, a lot of the smart ones ended up over on Substack, where they’re writing and sharing important and helpful information, both about what happened and about what may happen next, and how you can prepare yourself and your family. I’m linking a couple of those writers below as well, with sample recent posts (both of the posts play off the recent presidential debate, interestingly).
Why this post, you may ask?
We know that to truly understand the gospel and salvation, people have to understand the depth of their own sin. That’s an analogy for what I’ve tried to accomplish with this post. I think we need to understand how depraved our “healthcare” has become – not just around Covid but actually long before that as well – before we can embrace the wellness truths that can set us free from preventable illness and early death.
The real gospel is more important, of course. Our eternity is at stake there. But what more effectively prevents a life well-lived – or energetic service to the King – than ill health?
We’ll be talking a lot more about this. In the meantime, please read Leslie’s story.
Doctors who are also well worth reading on all Covid-related topics:
Dr. Pierre Kory’s Substack explores “the dysfunction in American medicine” among other related topics. Here’s a recent post.
A Midwestern Doctor – his Substack is a wealth of information. Here’s a recent post of his.